On planet Ajzah, Quan and Shen live high atop Hsien Mountain, in a treehouse with their teacher, Sensae. They are learning to “space-step” to avoid the trakers, who come from the valley below.
The Merakons live in a city below the salt flats. They are desperate and hunt the mountain peoples. Dofka (doctor) Clyfe Russel concocts a food-security plan that involves capturing and sequestering the mountain children in an enclosed facility, but Quan and Shen are ready to show them a better destiny.
Children of the Hsien is a tale of desperation and redemption. While highly dramatic, there is no excessive violence, sex, or profanity. A highly inspirational story for mature teenagers and adults.
Rehmannia considers this story to be his greatest achievement: a parable pointing the way toward a better future for our people and our planet.
Personally signed and numbered limited edition
SKU: Hsien-book
Category: BOOKS