Support your immunity with mushrooms and other herbs

Just as we are enjoying our reclaimed freedoms, new developments are indicating we may not through with COVID. From the beginning of this pandemic, I’ve been very concerned that it could linger, morph, and possibly worsen. During the early days of the outbreak, I released my general immune enhancing formula, SHIELD, and have personally used it ever since. And while I have not yet been affected by the virus, I don’t let down my guard.

I maintain that all of us should take every precaution we can to help protect ourselves and our families, and to help stop the potential spread. Regardless of your stand on the vaccines, it is beneficial to use natural substances that are well known to assist immune strength and resilience. The mushroom family of polypore tree fungus have recently garnered much attention for their immune-enhancing properties (although the Chinese have known of these properties for over two thousand years). Many studies now allude to the tree polypore mushroom’s protective qualities.

Here are a few significant studies from the NIH (National Institutes of Health).

In SHIELD, I have combined the top immune-enhancing mushrooms; Reishi, Chaga, Coriolus, Maitake, Agaricus brazilliensis, and Cordyceps.

But that’s not all, I also include the renowned herb Astragalus (huang chi): long-used for immune enhancement, particularly the Wei Chi; the branch of the immune system that operates just below the outer layers of the skin, and protects us from airborne and waterborne pathogens from entering through our skin. This branch of the immune system has only recently been discovered by Western medical science.

And yet again, in my tradition of creating the best formulas, I have added the important anti-microbial herbScutellaria bicallensis (Huang qun), along with White Peony root, long used in TCM for helping “break up Chi stagnation.” The Chinese believe when the blockage of Chi – life’s vital energy – is stuck, disease can develop. Finally, I add Licorice root to “harmonize” the formula.

Altogether, SHIELD represents a comprehensive protection formula. These herbs are safe when taken according to instructions, and can be taken over extended periods. They generally do not appear to contraindicate with medicines.

SHIELD is a safe and effective formula for anyone; it can be an indispensable addition to your family’s supplement cupboard.

Enjoy your safety and self-empowerment.

See it and other formulas in my shop.

Taoingly, Rehmannia