Support your immunity with mushrooms and other herbs
Just as we are enjoying our reclaimed freedoms, new developments are indicating we may not through with COVID. From the beginning of this pandemic, I’ve been very concerned that it could linger, morph, and possibly worsen. During the early days of the outbreak, I released my general immune enhancing formula, SHIELD, and have personally used […]
ASCEND: a spring cleanse formula
Spring is the time to cleanse our body The Chinese Masters believe Spring is the best time for a cleansing protocol. This makes sense, as many of us have just passed through a season where we were more ensconced at home; the days were shorter and nights longer; our physically active hours of the day […]
PHOENIX: a mid-life woman’s formula
Supporting hormone balance, bones and stamina In Greek mythology, the Phoenix represents the mythical bird that flies out of its ashes. As an 8 year old boy I watched my mother go through severe menopausal changes. I sought to understand what happened to her, which set me on my trajectory as a healer. Since then […]
AWAKEN to the early glimmerings of Spring; is a new world coming?
Constant anxiety can run us down Many of us have experienced an arduous winter; climate anomalies – unusual conditions. It has been a time to adapt to new challenges, and I believe more need to adapt will follow as we enter a new era on our planet. Stresses have also increased in our societies; dangers […]
New Ojai Studio, and Possible Presence In Austin
Hi friends. I want to invite you to visit my new herb studio in Ojai and receive a free consultation. I have a new herb studio! I am so happy to return to the Resonance Center to an even more spacious room. The center could not be a better fit for me! I feel like […]